About the Revenue Society

The Revenue Society (originally The Revenue Society of Great Britain) was formed in 1990 and is the only international philatelic society which covers revenue stamps of the whole world. The society is also noted for the particularly high quality of its journal, which has published many articles on subjects about which little or nothing has previously been written.

In 2007, the name of the society was shortened from The Revenue Society of Great Britain to just The Revenue Society in order to make the international nature of the society clear.

Principal officers of the Society

Name Designation Email address
Ed J Hitchings
Andrew McClellan
Hon. Secretary
Tony Hall
Hon. Treasurer
Vacant Position
Membership Secretary
Ed Hitchings
Programme Secretary
John Hawes
Competition Secretary
Matthew Healey/Nick Kerridge
Journal Editor
Bob Harding
Website Manager
Jon Aitchison
George James, Ian Spencer & Dr. Mike Tanner
Additional Committee Members
Ed Hitchings

Ed Hitchings


Ed has served the society for many years as Chairman. Ed also manages the programme of events for the year

Andrew McClellan

Andrew McClellan


Tony Hall

Tony Hall


Bob Harding

Website Manager & Contact Person

Bob is the person to contact of you have any questions, comments or suggestions with regard to the website.